And your whole argument against Cyberpunk is based on a single annoyance. And I am asking you to point to me at least 5 open world games that in your eyes are perfect. You see, you can't do that, because it is extremely difficult to build them. So instead of concentrating on the little things, see if the gameplay and the story will click with you. I am not claiming that CP is perfect but tell me what's perfect and devoid of any flaws?
Your problem with Cyberpunk is that's not interactive enough for your taste, and then you gave me 3 examples of games, that in my opinion are worse in that regard compared to Cyberpunk.
I am still waiting for you to give me an example of a perfect game for you in that regard.
Are you trying to tell me that Starfield feels more alive than Cyberpunk? Because that game is the epitome of shallow and hollow game.
Fallout 4 was feeling very grindy and I didn't like this aspect, yes, you can build stuff, but this grind was wearing me down. Isn't also Fallout 76 riddled with micro transactions? For me that's pretty scummy and I would rather avoid such games. You can hate Cyberpunk as much as you want, but they are still releasing meaningful updates to this game and it also has zero micro transactions.
And that's a game, you know piece of fiction and the fact that you don't like this game, doesn't mean that everyone else should share your opinion. The recent reviews of this game are overwhelmingly positive. 95% seems to like the game.
And this argument is petty. What if they have added the choice to buy your furniture and redecorate it, would that make the game perfect for you?
I play this game and think fuck someone put so much attention to details it is almost unreal. Because you can't deny there are a lot of details and someone there were thinking how to do certain things and creating such a game I can imagine is extremely challenging and time consuming.
Oh and by the way, can you point me to a single action rpg game that allows you to redecorate your place? You know you are able to buy different places and they all look different and unique.
You know things are never black and white. There are always shades of gray.
Are you one of the good guys, were you always good and do you think you have never been acting like a douchebag even in your teenage years? Think about it.
Just because you don't like a certain game, doesn't make that game shallow. In Cyberpunk they show the human nature like an onion with lots of layers, some are good some not so much, exactly like human beings. And that creates depth of the characters. Then you have a huge city with lots of details, historical context, shards, etc.
I understand that you don't like the game, but objectively speaking that doesn't change the fact that this game is anything but shallow.
I don't agree about the shallowness of the game. The Devs put incredible attention to details and the game offers a lot of context through shards, quests little snippets, dialogues, that are just unraveling the whole story.
And I don't know for you but I can't shake the feeling that today's USA resembles more and more the dystopian reality of Night City. The whole corpo takeover of the government, the mass layoffs due to the rise of AI, the homelessness crisis, etc.
You will unravel more of Johnny's history which explains to some extent why he is such a douchebag. You know like in real life, even the biggest douchebags have something good in them and life has turned them into one.
Give it a go again. I am playing it for the first time right now and this game is absolutely amazing. I heard they changed quite a lot of things in patch 2.0 and we are already at 2.21. Plus how many games are receiving support so long after release. Yes, their release was a dumpster fire, but they managed to fix most of their bugs and now the game is in really good shape.
Seriously, why so much hate for this game. The game at the moment is pretty good.
It looks gorgeous, has an awesome story and a fun and versatile combat system. I am not too much into first person shooting games, but I am playing it right now and I am hooked. I think this game is easily in my top 5 if not 3 games of all time.
There are a bunch of quests when your decisions really matter.
Wow, that's some next level of patience. Chapeau.
Because you already lost that argument. Farewell.