It's not, it's almond milk. Even the gray aliens won't touch the stuff.
All of the headlines shown come from the same site so that argument doesn't really hold water
Without knowing where the original or updated information came from and how it was vetted I can't really form a belief or opinion. I would hope you have looked into those things though and aren't just basing your take on having read the headlines on an image otherwise that limit to your gullibility that you were talking about is quite high.
You don't even have to have been living under a rock, people are born all the time and people develop at different rates which means there are constantly people at different stages of mental growth and constantly people learning things for the first time. Everybody had to learn the things that they know but a lot of people seem to forget that just because they have learned something, it doesn't mean everyone else has.
That's the opposite of why he said that though. He said that because he felt that the things that seemed random couldn't actually be random and that there was something more that they didn't understand. In other words, he felt he didn't know enough and wanted to learn more. Not sure where you came up with the idea that he wasn't interested in learning more.
Unfortunately it's not that simple considering a lot of the fuckery is going on at state level, but hopefully
That's the whole point of people wanting ranked choice, then they can make their voice heard by voting for more progressive candidates while not having to worry that they're voting for someone who can't win and are therefore technically supporting the party they don't want to win. The more votes third party candidates get, the more seriously they get taken even if they don't win. You can't do that with a two party system.
All the people who you're worried about voting for the "crazies" are already voting for the crazies, you're not going to get current moderates or progressives all of a sudden voting for the crazies because there are more options of crazy so I'm not sure what you're worried about.
Uniforms still single out kids. They're expensive and kids with money can afford new ones and kids without have to wear used ones and everyone can tell. Not that republicans think that's a bad thing mind you.
Easy solution! WUPHF it!
You're the person in the meme
I don't mind standing in a small cube with strangers, that's no issue at all. People that I've met once or twice but don't know, that's who I avoid.
Paying attention to what you're doing. Sounds simple but so many people don't do it. They just keep doing the same thing and act surprised when it never works. If you pay attention to what you do and the outcome of your actions, you can improve everything you do and become very efficient.