
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Having multiple sufficiently-powered virtual machines makes OS development really low friction. Though I'd personally go for a blade subrack instead.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Getting some unplanned exercise clearing out the house of my late mother in law. Though my airways disagree (achoo), having clear goals and hauling around heavy stuff is doing wonders for my mood.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ah good. Now I know what specs not to buy.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Depending on how old your kid is, it might or it might not improve. The frontal lobe of their brain still has a lot of development left in children; right up until they’re about 25. This may improve things.

Also, please don’t be one of those parents who discounts meds. They can really help a lot. And no, they’re not addictive (in fact, people with ADHD are more likely to forget them than to use them recreationally).

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (6 children)

What's helped me is a combination of physical exercise (which helps against feelings of unrest that may be bothering me) and sort of sliding into the subject, tackling the easier parts first and from there riding the dopamine wave.

But yeah, it doesn't get any easier.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

What river? Asking for a friend...

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

“Password cannot contain username”

“Password must contain digits”

“Password cannot contain reversed misspellings of predynastic Egyptian pharaohs”

And now…

“Password cannot contain JavaScript”

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

One thing about the pre-Internet times I don't hear much about is how much more centralised our media were and how, as a result, people or ideas on the fringe of society didn't get much attention. That includes for instance how the strange ideas about vaccines or ethnic groups now spread much easier than they did before the Internet, but also how trans* people and other marginalised groups find it much easier to find and support each other and be a united front against oppression.

In summary, I don't thing that what has been termed "the great awokening", nor the organised opposition against it, could have taken place before the Internet. At least not at this scale.

[–] 12 points 1 year ago

Sadly Microsoft didn't specify where on the keyboard the key has to be.

In order to find out, hit the keyboard with your head; wherever your forehead touches the keyboard first is where the key is supposed to be.

[–] 77 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I like how the reader is supposed to be familiar enough with the scream box that it doesn't require any extra explanation.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

I'm working on a PDP-11 emulator. I've got the basic instruction set implemented and have an implementation of ODT (the PDP-11's microcode monitor) with disassembler. I've found a test set and an implementation of BASIC for the PDP-11, and everything executes successfully. Next step is getting the MMU up and running.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I have a similar-sized roll of 0.5mm Felder Sn100Ni+ with their ultra clear flux. Love the shinyness.

Indeed, don’t skimp on solder, especially when soldering lead-free.


De rechtsstaat is zo ingekleed dat die juist bescherming biedt aan minderheidsgroepen.


Het Kennisprogramma Zeespiegelstijging bouwt voort op de vorige maand gepresenteerde nieuwe klimaatscenario's van het KNMI. Die laten zien dat de snelheid van de zeespiegelstijging deze eeuw heel onzeker is. Het maakt veel verschil hoeveel broeikasgassen wereldwijd nog worden uitgestoten, en of ijsverlies op Antarctica in een stroomversnelling kan belanden. De Noordzee kan dan deze eeuw 1 of 2 meter hoger komen te staan, en rond 2150 al zo'n 3 tot 5 meter. Als de wereldwijde uitstoot scherp daalt, zal dit veel langzamer gaan.


Dat schrijft hij in een brief die vandaag bij 200.000 eindexamenleerlingen op de mat valt.


Ze willen een schadevergoeding, omdat ze vinden dat de waarde van hun bezit niet voldoende terugkomt in de huurprijzen die ze mogen vragen.


Op een congres in Rotterdam stemde een meerderheid van ruim 52 procent voor aanvulling van het programma met die strekking.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I've recently acquired an uncalibrated Philips PM2534 (edit: the battery-backed factory calibration data was lost due to the battery running out). I'm looking into somehow getting it calibrated. However, the calibration procedure is rather involved, and requires such things as an exact 300V DC (the service manual recommends using a Fuke 5700).

Anybody know of a way to have this multimeter calibrated? I'm a hobbyist and don't really need such things as traceability and certificates.

Edit: I live in the Netherlands.


I've recently acquired an Apple Macintosh Color Display. Sadly, it's very yellowed (or rather, oranged). I was thinking about forgoing retrobrighting and just going for painting it. Anybody here who's done that before? Any idea how I can most closely match Apple's "platinum" colour?


Summary: Dusk and Enjoiner Rue learn Demerzel's origin and true purpose. Tellem's plan for Gaal take a dark turn. On Terminus, Day confronts Dr. Seldon.

Air Date: September 8, 2023

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