Definitely did this as a kid 😆
Tigers hunt bears. The only bears tigers don’t hunt are polar bears. It’s not deep research.
Pretty sure a brown bear would destroy a lion
Maybe they should stop writing them books & stop giving them ideas!
That’s what makes the show awesome. I want it even more ludicrous.
Because you can take it server to server. If you try and play an mmo on private servers, you have to make an account on each server. You could see what people have done on other servers, even though they haven’t leveled up on all servers.
You just make it so you have an account you can use in different servers, but each server still has its own characters.
I just built one that has no RGB. The case has it, but it’s not powered, so it’s just a dark box.
I hope so! I’m interested in buying the single player game, and have absolutely zero interest in the online experience.
I dunno, everyone was cool with the love story of Wanda & The Vision from the MCU. I guess fucking robots is not ok, but becoming emotionally attached to one is?