I was the same, then I went to a lot of places: classes at community college and community centers, worked in restaurants, cafes, retail stores, and stayed at Airbnbs that were crowded like hostels. Sometimes you get talking with a co-worker or roommate, then get invited to a party and maybe find new friendships there.
To spend more time with daughter. Earning money that way is a high stress lifestyle of 100+ hour work weeks with creditors, investors, contractors, planners, inspectors, and tenants. Not everyone can function under that pressure long term.
And as the trajectories grew, ENIAC was created
T-Rex, because none end up in a hole devoured alive by wasp larvae
That can't be right, the red car has a service manual and too many functioning assemblies for it to be VS.
The 80s started out like Vacation and ended like Wall Street
Bennett: "John, I'm not going to shoot you between the eyes! I'm going to shoot you between the balls!"
The Perl and Raku Foundation has seen a big drop in funding over the last decade
Understanding the Financials of The Perl and Raku Foundation
When I was a child I thought everything was run by grown ups, who had the answer to everything. Then I grew up and saw everything as run by children, who made everything up as they go. Now I see everything as run by animals with insatiable appetites.
It's an unhealthy environment, and they are subconsciously saying they don't want to be there either. It's just one job in one building in one company in one country. There's many other opportunities out there that are not like Glengarry Glen Ross.