In some agencies, you are trained to disobey an unethical or unlawful order. I guess people just rapidly clicked through the power point slides on mandatory training days.
Would be nice if we had an actual opposition party to, you know, put in bills to oppose the massive abuse of power that's been going on for a while now. Instead we get frumpy faces, folded arms, an occasional angry letter, moral victories, and of course the "that'll show 'em" bills.
Can start with people not directing anyone to the .ml, or .ml like instances for starters. Maybe even sticky that the top.
For those of you who remember Captain N ....... Even had a smoker's voice for whatever reason.
"Hotdog ... no hotdog ... " That's the first thing I thought when it said AI. I know it's not real, but that just makes it funny.
"He made an awkward statement / expression" Would be the statement posted to win the platinum medal in mental gymnastics. Just exceeding gold medals at this point.
I can see this going absolutely side ways when your mind tries to cope with where 1000+ hours of your life went. Also you'd probably get 1000+ hours of ads beamed into your brain to make up for that gap of time, unless you pay for the "Memory+" or "Memory Max" tier, with just slightly less ads. Would be cool to experience a game for the first time again, but I would just read a book or share gaming "war stories" with my imaginary buddies.
Ever notice that every cash grab that's funneled from the US government into corporations is always 80 billion dollars? Where is the line for this because it happens a lot.
Hope they like the leopards shitting on their faces.
Is that before or after they eat their faces?
Willful ignorance is a powerful tool to wield for dictatorships. What part of the Project 2025 instruction manual for the destruction of democracy mentioned anything about a "fine tooth comb" method for this change?