Penultimate? Which one is the ultimate then?
The follow up question then is, how do we deal with that as a species? If we assume that humans have tribalistic tendencies, I don't want to say inherent, but, deeply rooted? Can education and external pressure make it go away? Can we direct it into something else? It seems like sports teams with their fans is an outlet at least preferable to war, for example.
How did it go? I use ed once in a while, but honestly just for fun, I wish I had time to learn it better.
I have a cycle that goes like this:
- I just want a system that works. (Fedora)
- The UNIX philosophy is cool. (OpenBSD)
Repeat every 6 months or so. I'm never happy with my current system.
I wonder how much is philosophy and how much is not wanting legal troubles. Those things aren't contradicting of course.
I am also on team old thinkpads. What I use computers for doesn't require recent hardware.
That was an interesting read. I am even more confused about the community part. When Debian switched to systemd it was a very... lively public discussion with lots of people stating their opinions. It seems to me like the opensuse world is different.
I have a perception based mainly on a feeling, but is it true that the opensuse community is mainly Suse employees actually deciding what happens?
Ken Thompson uses Raspberry Pi OS, he said that he switched from Apple to RPi OS maybe two years ago.
Adwaita is the one and only!
This is the reason I sometimes come back to the BSDs, they just feel more coherent as a whole.
As long as there is transparency, users can choose. Personally, I would rather not use a service at all than have ads or tracking.