Most car accidents happen within a mile from home
...because that's where you're driving most often
Most car accidents happen within a mile from home
...because that's where you're driving most often
I've heard a trendy thing now is to only label one present as from Santa, the rest are from Mom and Dad. That way kids don't find out there's a huge disparity when they go back to school
Where is the "burnt out on corporate BS and not sure if I even like coding anymore, I just want to retire and sell shit on Etsy, too bad everything costs money" phase
// Hack the mainframe to skim pennies from ongoing transactions
async function addMoneyToMyBankAccount(dollarAmount: number): Promise<"success">
Alright let's go
places in oven
"Honey what's that awful smell?"
"Who knows. Probably the neighbor's leaf blower"
Five minutes go by
"It smells like cancer"
"Maybe they are sealcoating their driveway, I don't know, stop asking me"
Twenty five minutes later
Opens oven
Retching, coughing "Sweet baby Jesus, what the FUCK is that?! Melted plastic? On my new casserole dish?!"
"Open a goddamn window"
"Open all the fucking windows"
"Mommy why is the house stinky"
"Charlie go play outside"
"But Daddy--"
from outside "Daddy it smells out here too, the neighbors are doing something black to their driveway"
If there is a war on Christmas, it's winning
Maybe it's gotten better in recent was always disconnecting and needing to be restarted
But then you need to connect your IDE to the docker container. Doable, but often a PITA IME
Nah. Dr. Pepper is from the 1800s. I don't think women were allowed to be doctors back then, so Dr. Pepper being male is a fair assumption.
The USSR had great success in many areas
The PRC struggled during the Great Leap Forward
You seem to be papering over the part where a shit ton of their own people died, so I don't think this really works as a pitch. You'd need to find a way to ensure that mass death wouldn't happen again, and then succinctly express it.
Mao was only about 70% good
Anyone who does mass executions is a fucking monster. Probably better to leave this out of the pitch.
Macoun may not be new and hip, but it's a solid, classic apple that deserves a higher score.