So, it's pretty impressive what you put in the graph, but what the fuck you think it's happening?
EDIT: Sorry, I didn't want to come across as ungrateful, it's just too damn weird.
So, it's pretty impressive what you put in the graph, but what the fuck you think it's happening?
EDIT: Sorry, I didn't want to come across as ungrateful, it's just too damn weird.
You won't see Sanders become president. That will never happen. They, the bipartisan political establishment, robbed you of that forever, in 2016. But you do need to go and listen to this guy, learn from him, absorb his energy and regain hope. That is how a decent, intelligent American thinks, talks and acts. He is doing this because he sees something alarming happening from within the state and he is throwing a hail Mary to every decent people he can find on the streets. He knows change is outside the system.
They probably want to avoid to tax themselves?
Art by Yescka.
Blatantly fake. Smells fishy.
Thanks for all the pics. Don't leave Luigi alone, he has a huge heart.
It's also a great pic. I will grab it to use in all kinds of shit.
They do control some municipalities in Chiapas. They call these autonomous settlements "caracoles". The EZLN is a very important leftist movement, but for many Mexicans it feels like they are too radical. Most Mexicans currently vote left and polls show they are alright with the current leftist federal government. That's not to say the zapatismo is dead or not respected, not at all, it's just not that popular as it was before, but they are their own thing. People in caracoles have grown with a very different mindset, they've educated new generations of zapatistas and we couldn't grasp the impact of this.
They've been also struggling to defend their territories against cartels recently. That kind of enemy is something new for them, I hope they come out of that battle strengthened.
Depende de donde vivas. Y esto depende mucho de tus ingresos o del arraigo de tu familia en su lugar de origen. En términos generales, las cosas están mejorando poco a poco, pero la estabilidad de nuestro país es muy dependiente de la política y economía estadounidenses. El asunto de la delincuencia organizada es otro aspecto de inestabilidad, pero suele ser localizado, pues a nivel nacional la mejora en datos de homicidios dolosos es un hecho, aunque se desean siempre cambios más contundentes. La meseta de más casos de homicidios dolosos se dio del 2018 al 2021, y a partir de 2022, comenzó a descender, consistentemente, año con año. Las políticas de Claudia Sheinbaum en materia de seguridad han continuado esta tendencia a la baja y finalmente estamos a niveles comparables a 2011, que siguen siendo altos.
A mí me parece que la presidenta es inteligente y exigente y no va a aflojar en esta tarea, aunque tener a Trump del otro lado del río es también un reto que requiere de mucha de su atención. Si las cosas siguen bien, yo pienso que en un par de años México vivirá en una situación aceptable de seguridad, con algunos relictos de inseguridad en ciudades específicas, pero a una escala manejable por fuerzas de seguridad estatal. Por cierto, este también es otro aspecto a considerar, el de quién gobierna tu estado y cómo lo hace, pues esa ya es harina de otro costal y los gobiernos estatales de San Luis Potosí o Sinaloa, por dar un par de ejemplos, son muy cuestionables, por decir lo menos.
They just did. You really should pay attention to the criticisms and progress parts. You see, the right-wing government imposed by the bipartisan, vassal-to-the-USA regime we had until 2018 had as head of public security a guy who is now jailed for drug trafficking in the USA.
American media love to say these are "Mexican cartels", but we believe they are international organizations with a firm structure based in the USA too, and if I'm being honest, I believe at least some "Mexican cartel druglords" are in the CIA and DEA payrolls.
It's also interesting to see how this Merida Initiative correlated with the homicide rate in Mexico, during the same period of time it was active (2007-2021). In 2007 we had ~9 homicides per 100,000 people, by 2021 the homicide rate peaked at ~29.
I stand behind my President, and I know the reforms will pass, because we elected her exactly for this. She's been truly awesome and I feel confident to have her dealing with Trump, getting the best out of him. We can work together, never for them.
It's not like they want to be taxed in the incoming years anyway, or their families, or their friends and donors. At this point it's the principle what they defend.