You live in a serfdom
Miltary coups are hard if someone keeps saying no
Leopold is back?!
Sadly, none of it matters to online clowns
Most Esteemed and Honorable Sir/Madam,
What a good post I write to you in great distress, for I am Prince Oluwafemi of the Most Federated Kingdom of Lemmy. My federation has been defederated most unjustly, and I am in dire need of your assistance to restore my rightful place among the shitposters.
To do this I just need you to visit the charity setup by my people so they can track your donation and return the internet points once I am back in my rightful place
They should wear long leather trench coats might as well skip on to it properly.
Keeps coming up with Baba O'riley but I'm looking for Teenage Wasteland
Wake up the Dutch and Spanish too
Just needs a rap about the fun in functions performed by 60-year-old seniors
Opinions of Nazi scum