
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 8 months ago


Steam: Ivozzo (friend code 36460566)

I'm always looking for someone interested in playing the following games together:
- Deep Rock Galactic
- Once Human
- Void Crew

#DeepRockGalactic #VoidCrew #OnceHuman #Gaming #Videogames

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

@DoubleAA @the_gamer_tavern damn right, you better answer the call

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

@elbullazul @the_gamer_tavern I tried playing again ME 1 and I must admit that I remembered a completely different game. I'm not sure if I'll just need to power through this feeling or just drop it and move onto another game from the backlog

[–] 1 points 8 months ago


Day 2 is gone and done, with the huge question mark about who could have done something like that to the tent.

I'm glad I found some rope so I can start rappel down pretty much everywhere needed, but now I need to find something to clear the blocked paths.

Generally speaking, not having a direction / quest indicator at first felt hard, but using the map feels more and more natural by the hours and it's such a cool and immersive concept.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

@the_gamer_tavern Day 1 was literally...a blast! (see what I did here?)

Given the starting atmosphere I thought I was in for a creepy adventure... well, I was wrong. Or to better say it, I was wrong in believing the entire game would be too heavy.

Talking with Delilah lifted me up, Henry stuttering in front of a bra and some panties made me smile but the most important thing, I'm amazed by the vibrant colors of this game, especially on the Steam Deck.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

@quester @the_gamer_tavern as far as I got, you're 100% right!

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

@akmur @the_gamer_tavern so far I only got to day 2 but I must admit that you're absolutely right: this game started with an amazing atmosphere.

Being a hiking/trekking nerd myself, I may be biased in my liking of the game tho 😅

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (3 children)


Right at the start of the game, the background story of the main character hits hard, creating a heavy personal baggage and a heavy atmosphere.

I found myself going with a loud "Oof" in more than occasion.

Fortunately, Delilah comes to help through the radio, brightening up the atmosphere a little bit but not lifting completely the weight on the shoulder.

Off to day 1 I go

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

@mikkaels @the_gamer_tavern gotcha! I saw that game's ad during Summer Game Fest and I was curious given that I played a lot of Brawl Stars. How are you finding it so far?

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

@the_gamer_tavern my GamesFTW will be:

- Death Stranding, as I'm getting to the last chapter and I wanna complete the game before July's start. It was an amazing journey and I'm so hyped for the finale!
- Deep Rock Galactic, delving further into the new season and enjoying the new contents. I also need to unlock Haz 5+ for...reasons

#GamesFTW #DeathStranding #Videogames #DeepRockGalactic #DRG #Gaming #LinuxGaming


Let's Play Biomutant - Episode 5

Hey adventurers!
Episode 5 of Biomutant's playthrough live on Peertube!!

What happen when Titanfall meets Biomutant?
Quack quack motherquacker!

Enjoy the video!


#Biomutant #Gaming #Videogames #ShareYourGames #Peertube #TheGamersTavern #LetsPlay


Summer Game Fest 2024 - live commentary

Hey gamers! Summer is slowly coming in and so is the annual event Summer Game Fest.

The starting event will be today at 11:00 PM CEST (UTC + 2) and I'll be back live streaming and commenting (more drooling thinking about all the new games) with an open chat :)

Join me on #Peertube @

Follow @alex for a notification when I'll be live


#Gaming #Videogames #SummerGameFest #SummerGameFest2024 #SGF


Rally Showcase - Episode one Audi Quattro S1

Just a quick shoutout for @harrybo ( @harrybo93 ) and this amazing video he produced.

Yes, he has a screwdriver on his desk, and that's how technical he can get talking about cars and rally.


#Rally #Peertube #Video #TheMoreYouKnow #History #Car #Racing

[–] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Hey everyone!
Another month has lazily passed, between work, meeting, personal stuff and of course gaming.

The best part of it, is having the chance to log in and being part of an amazing community. A community that is amazing thanks to all its patrons, and that means YOU.
So, thank you for being part of The Gamer's Tavern and being the best part of it.

end / 🧵

#TheGamersTavern #Gaming #Kofi #Videogames #Community #Report



May 2024 - TGT's monthly report

For transparency, here's The Gamer's Tavern's monthly report about May 2024.
(Yes, I'm already working on finding a more appealing repository)

Thank you for supporting The Gamer's Tavern at

Cheers! 🍻

A few words will follow in the next message.

1/ 🧵

#TheGamersTavern #Gaming #Kofi #Videogames #Community #Report



Let's Play Biomutant - Episode 4

Hey adventurers!
The new Let's Play Biomutant is live on Peertube!

Time to wage war in a new region and conquer a new outpost.
Enjoy the video!


#Biomutant #Gaming #Videogames #ShareYourGames #Peertube #TheGamersTavern #LetsPlay

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