Can’t we just get red and blue classic
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Red rescue team was sold on Wii U virtual console around the same time as red/blue was on 3DS VC, so it could come to NSO later. It's also so easy to play on an emulator, though.
Yeah I have dolphin on my phone w fire red but would still be nice to see the classic GBC games on switch online
Why would you not just use a GBA emulator for Fire Red instead of Dolphin (a freaking Wii emulator)? For shits and giggles?
I meant delta, chill dog
kinda funny that they're doing this while still selling the remake for 50 bucks new. still, more mystery dungeon is always a good thing!
I had this one back in the day and it was fun for a bit, but like most pokemon spinoffs, I didn't think it was great. A good addition to the GBA library for people to try it out.
I played the crap out of this game, I loved it more than the main games. Something about actually being the Pokémon I loved made this game so much fun and special. Also, the story was good, it felt like it was written by someone competent instead of the usual, boring story the main line games have.
If you've never played the sequels, the story for those are amazing.