You're welcome! I love ramen and want to see that sublemmy get more traction haha
Oh! I've just been reminded of r/SubredditSimulator. Good times. Had quite a few laughs browsing that place. It seemed like the bots really had their own personalities xD
Hello I'm on iOS! I just tried pretending to add a account and it's letting me proceed as normal.
When you go to add an account, does it show a screen like this? Maybe instead of "pick server," tap "log in" since you already have an account.
If that doesn't work, hopefully someone else can help lol I'm not too tech savvy
That's an album cover
Have you tried logging in on desktop Lemmy and finding the delete option? I started a community way back and remember deleting it that way.
Plus, a lot of people browse the "All" feed and may subscribe when they see an interest.
I guess that means Vietnam is becoming more friendly with China
The Chargers will face an opponent
Eyeing this as a Raiders fan
I think you've really captured that beautiful sunset glow here. The golden hour. Nice work! :)
Consequences of not getting the required vaccinations!
Gaines County has one of the highest rates in Texas of school-aged children who opt out of at least one required vaccine, with nearly 14% of K-12 children in the 2023-24 school year. Health officials say that number is likely higher because it doesn’t include many children who are homeschooled and whose data would not be reported.
The life