As a Brit, for whom the colloquial for pennies is "pence" like "ten pence" is 10p, I feel he's missing a trick not putting his fat leather apron of a face on the nickel or dime. Because then you could have "Trump pence". You could call it a Trumpence
joined 1 week ago
I'd also like him to drop dead. It seems our goals are singularly aligned.
Only because he's too short to reach Trump's arsehole
Haha I remember watching that as a kid thinking it was regular anime and being like "uh... Wat the fluff is this? Why is that gentleman in the nude? Why is that lady showing her boobies?"
Only thing I can think of when someone references Dominion Tank Police is the anti-vehicle dildo mines they deployed...
Fire up the chimney, boys. That dude is done.
It's an alright egret..
Always happy to introduce a new person to Kurzgesagt
Yeah seems like it. Gotta end net neutrality so the government can make sure we're not watching choke porn I guess.
Oh you just know Baroness Bertin is a horsie girl
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That little thing looks like they had a good fuckin' sleep. I think it's official. 24,000 years is the correct amount of sleep to be getting.