Does anyone remember "Advent Rising" back from the first Xbox and windows live? That was supposed to be a trilogy but was canned after the first game. I'd love to see that remade and continued!
Good. Let's keep it up!
Hi, maximal mein Insta, was ich den beiden Fotografen ebenfalls geschickt hatte :)
Guten Morgen :)
Feiertag wäre schon echt angenehm, wollte heute auch irgendwie nicht gut aus'm Bett. In der Hauptstadt ist das aber leider ein sehr schweres Thema, aber was soll's.
Ich bin momentan in 'nem kleinen Höhenflug. Vor ein paar Wochen fragten die Moderatoren eines Podcasts nach Fotoeinsendungen und ich habe da einfach mal mitgemacht. Am Freitag kam die neuste Folge raus, es wurde mein Bild besprochen und dabei in den höchsten Tönen gelobt, das ging runter wie Öl 😅
Die Moral ist damit vorerst etwas geboostet :)
Is reddit still feeding Googles LLM or was it just a one time thing? Meaning will the newest LLM generated posts feed LLMs to generate posts?
Uh, wasn't it, when Bart broke his leg during summer, so he spend his time moping in his room with a telescope when he heard a high pitched scream. He thought Flanders killed Maude but it turned out Flanders himself saw something he didn't like and made him yell like that in the gif? Not sure anymore what he saw though..
Jopp. Genau vor denen wurden wir gewarnt.
"the best content"
It definitely will and they still will blame the other party.
Hate to say but in our office it's the other way around. Teams HAS to start automatically before outlook can be opened manually otherwise the addin for meetings won't load. Every morning I log in, make some coffee and then go talk to colleagues.. Thanks Microsoft for the slow morning, other see this as luxury!
Reading all these adventure books and comics made me really fear quicksand as a child... I was living in East Berlins suburbs. The most comparable thing to quicksand would have been a mud puddle!
I watched a crow throw nuts on a street to get them cracked by the cars driving on it. Those guys are Hella smart!