I hope your daughter gets stabbed you first world bitch.
I really hope one day we'll purge the polluters out. Let's just shoot them.
What kind of scum think it's ok to poison the air? lmao
Also guess what, you turd, I don't need to fly. I can take the train. That's because my ancestors weren't colonists and I live in a place that grew up organically as opposed to your god forsaken woods where it's ok to murder native girls.
You guys take planes? Fucking selfish
We should ban it for politicians. Why on earth would you use a for-profit foreign platform for official communication?
yeah who wouldn't want to spend the last 20 endless years of your shitty life in a for-profit "retirement home".
My grandma died at 89 last month.
If the idiot white-wingers didn't smash the health budget she might still be with us. Maybe the nurses wouldn't be so overwork they let her die of anemia.
Sale cave d'anglo a la con. Tu vas aller filer ton fric a disney et t'es fier parce que tu fais 6 heures de vol? Cretin lol