If I arrive at the park and see some guy in a robe doing this with my kid, I'm losing my shit.
This is the one I was thinking of, but there are several interesting ones. I guess I'm being an asshole, maybe they're all awesome. They certainly seem to be smiling and having fun, so I'm just really the dick here. But here's the picture. Fuck, it is just...a lot. I don't know. NSFW.
I've been recently suddenly smitten. Been awhiiiile. And of course she's my coworker. On a team of three. At my new job of only three months. So yay person of interest, I guess, but of course there are now 3,000 potential new issues/stressors.
Bro we're nowhere close to bottoming out, so I hope you're ready. You'll feel it when we pass the point of no return.
Nope, but I have had the thought that small-scale regional meet-ups could be fun.
On the one hand, smaller old-school forums do/did that sometimes and it can be really cool, if thinking in the spirit of the old internet.
ON THE OTHER HAND, I remember the infamous pictures from the Reddit meetup and good God, maybe not?
A couple fun ones I haven't seen mentioned:
Myron Cook - Think "the Bob Ross of Geology." Basically he goes out, finds some rock formation, goes "Huh. Isn't this cool? What do you think happened?" and walks you through everything dating back to like the formation of the planet. He's like a teddy bear and his channel is wonderful and fascinating.
Dan Hurd - He's a dorky gold prospector. He may have caused me to buy a gold panning set.
I hope it's Idris Elba. Dude was born to be the next Bond, maybe that's the real reason he couldn't.
Hang in there. I know it's just stupid words on a screen, but I'm juuuust on the other side of a painful, painful fucking stretch. I thought it'd never end. I'm scared to even say it, but I think my new boss MIGHT actually care about her employees and view them as people? knock on wood
It was made obvious right from the beginning when his first change to the Republican Party platform, before he had even accepted the nomination the first time, was to the language in support of Ukraine.
Why? How does it make any sense?
Well, shit, that part of the sales pitch usually snags 'em.
What about a button to turn OFF...no, that's not much help either...
Fine, you can have your damned exemption.
Not sure, mine's in my weiner I think?
I'm really torn. On the one hand, maybe I would be smiling!? I don't know what happened! Part of me thinks, "I'll have some of whatever they're having!"
But then I don't strongly feel, "THOSE are my people!" and I fear I'd be one of those faces nervously smiling(?) in the shadows at the back of the group. Also I have a strong sense of smell and I don't know if I want to roll those dice.